
vivonam: VoVinam, The Traditional Vietnamese Martial Art,Apa Itu Vovinam ? Satu dari 36 Cabor di SEA Games 2023, Bela Diri ...,Introduction to Vovinam: A Traditional Vietnamese Martial Art,Sports 101: What is Vovinam? - The Game,


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Vovinam sendiri merupakan seni bela diri tradisional Vietnam yang menyerupai silat serta wushu. Dikutip dari Buku Pintar Olahraga & Permainan Tradisional (2017) oleh Eci Fe, seni bela diri vovinam memadukan gerakan keras dan lembut.
In July 1954, Founder and loyal disciples arrived in Saigon, and opened new Vovinam school here. Soon later, Vovinam was invited to train the South Vietnamese police in Saigon and Thu Duc. In the middle of 1954, Founder fall sick and had to take a break from teaching.
What is VOVINAM? Why VOVINAM was named? Answer: VOVINAM is the abbreviation of the VO VIET NAM, it is named for the following purposes: To differentiate ours with other martial arts schools existed in Vietnam which were commonly called Vo Viet Nam (Martial arts of Vietnam). Easy to remember or read, especially for foreigners. Question 2
Vovinam, diciptakan Nguyễn dari gaya kung fu asal Tiongkok, pengetahuan seni bela diri tradisional Vietnam, dan unsur-unsur sistem Jepang dan Korea. Pembuatan seni bela diri ini sebagai respon terhadap pendudukan Prancis, dimaksudkan untuk mempromosikan rasa identitas nasional untuk orang-orang Vietnam.